Rally on a Budget – the Subaru GC Manual – Open Light
How to build a rally car from a Subaru without spending more than you need to.
100 pages of text and pictures.
Skid plate sizes, spring rates and much, much more
Lots of proven ways to make your car last and be fast enough.
A good place to start before painting yourself into a corner with the wrong purchases.
$75 – write to: rz221ebay@yahoo.com
Rally Dave Shindle, “the godfather of Open Light. Randy’s build philosophy and smooth driving won us more than a couple PGT and Open championships against pesky fast AWD turbo drivers. He ‘wrote the book’ literally so BUY HIS MANUAL.”
Ron Erickson, “Not sure on the history of the formation of Open Light, but if you had any say in it, I would like to say thanks!”
Chuck Surdyke, “It is a complement to say that your car’s been Zimmered“
Grany Riddell, “I got one of these when I bought my Subie shell.
Worth every penny! Thanks for writing it…”
Worth every penny! Thanks for writing it…”
Hey Randy, I got your book recommended by 2 different reputable sources. Would love to buy 🙂 Thanks
I need an email from you that works.
OMG I’m sorry, I sent u an email to that address at the same time but maybe it went to spam. My email is 808mikes at gmail.
Thanks so much!
I’m hoping my email got to you. If not, let me know here.
Thanks. rz
Do you have a printed out version of the book or is it just a pdf?
It comes as a .pdf that you can print out. Please don’t share though. Thanks! rz
Are these manuals still a available? I picked up a gf8 wanting to compete I awd light class for NASA 2019
Yes they are, good luck with your rally career, it’s a lot of stress but fun when it’s over! rz
Id love to purchase a manual from you! you can email me @ osbornbrandon25@gmail.com. I can paypal the money or however you would like. Thanks, Brandon
Good luck!
Hi are these still available?
If I ever run out, I’ll just make more. I do them myself so there is no waiting for delivery from an outside vendor.
hello, Im interested in buying your manual to help me with building a gc of my own. Hope to hear from you soon, thank you,
Thanks! When I first thought of making the book, I had no idea how many people would want it and after so many years. The Subaru is so well suited to rally and a joy to compete with.